Welcome to Humanist Lodge: Embracing the Universal and Progressive Spirit of Freemasonry

“Love one another, teach one another, help one another. That is our doctrine, all our science, all our law” -
A reflection on the Apprentice degree.

Discover Humanist Lodge: A Symbolic Masonic Lodge

Welcome to the R∴ Humanist Lodge, a proud member of the George Washington Union of Freemasons of North America. Our lodge is dedicated to fostering quality and intentionality in our ceremonies while building strong, meaningful relationships among our members.

Inclusivity and Respect for All

Humanist Lodge is an inclusive community that welcomes individuals of all genders, sexual orientations, and spiritual or secular beliefs. We are founded on the principles of mutual tolerance, respect, and absolute freedom of conscience. Our commitment to harmony, unity, and diversity, as upheld by the George Washington Union, guides all our interactions and efforts.

Embracing Diversity and Freedom of Conscience

Liberal Freemasonry, also known as Continental Freemasonry, is at the heart of our practices. This branch of Freemasonry stands out for its progressive values and inclusive practices, emphasizing absolute freedom of conscience. Our members are encouraged to uphold personal beliefs, whether religious, philosophical, or secular, promoting a culture of individuality and respect.

Gender Equality and Open Dialogue

In line with the principles of Liberal Freemasonry, Humanist Lodge advocates for gender equality by welcoming all genders equally into our lodge. This inclusive approach enriches the Masonic journey through shared experiences and perspectives, fostering an environment of open and respectful dialogue.

The French Rite: A Pillar of Our Ceremonies

Our lodge practices the French Rite, which is deeply rooted in the values of the Enlightenment. This rite emphasizes reason, intellectual pursuit, and humanistic values, encouraging members to seek knowledge and truth in all aspects of life. The French Rite's simplified ritual structure and philosophical interpretation of Masonic symbols make its teachings accessible and relatable to contemporary seekers.

Symbolic and Philosophical Degrees

Members of Humanist Lodge progress through the traditional three degrees of Craft Masonry:

Values Rooted in Enlightenment Ideals

The French Rite's approach to Freemasonry accentuates the importance of individual conscience and personal freedom, values deeply rooted in the history of the Enlightenment era. At Humanist Lodge, we strive to embody these values in all we do, recognizing that they are essential for creating a harmonious and just society.

Building Strong Connections and Valuing Diversity

Beyond our work within the lodge, Humanist Lodge seeks to create strong connections with fellow human beings both within and beyond our community. We value diversity and recognize the unique contributions each individual can make to society. By fostering these connections, we aim to promote understanding, respect, and unity among all people.

Join Us on a Journey of Enlightenment and Fraternity

Explore the profound values and inclusive practices of Liberal Freemasonry with us at Humanist Lodge. Join us in a journey of enlightenment and fraternity, honoring tradition while fostering a forward-thinking, inclusive community. Discover more about our lodge and the enriching experience we offer.